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Johann Most in Cartoons
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Bernhard Gillam (1856-1896)

"How Do They Like It Themselves? Horrified Apostles of Violence.--'Begob, the Flag has gone back on us!"
Puck, February 11, 1885.

Most on the right together with Fenian leader Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa
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Frederick Burr Opper (1857-1937)

"Gotham's Gospel Needs. Why Send Our Missionaries to Afric's Sunny Fountains? Let Them Stay Here and Labor Among the Barbarous Tribes of the Metropolis."
Puck, February 18, 1885.

Most is depicted wearing red shorts
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Joseph Ferdinand Keppler (1838-1894)

"The Suckers of the Working-man’s Sustenance."
Puck, May 19, 1886.

Most is under the table, second from left
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Thomas Nast (1840-1902)

"When His Skin Is Not In Danger, and When It Is."
Harper's Weekly, May 22, 1886.
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Thomas Nast (1840-1902)

"Anarchists' Drill, New Tactics"
Harper's Weekly, May 29, 1886
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Thomas Nast (1840-1902)

"Liberty or Death"
Harper's Weekly, June 5, 1886
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Thomas Nast (1840-1902)

"The Evolution of the Americanized Foreigner."

"Hans Socialist" is a reference to Johann Most
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Frederick Burr Opper (1857-1937)

"The Only Form of Trial That Would Satisfy the Chicago Anarchists--A Trial by a Court of Their Peers."
Puck, 1886

Most is featured as the judge holding a mug of beer
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"John Most, the anarchist, addressing a meeting of sympathizers at Cooper Institute, April 4th. / from a sketch by a staff artist."
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, April 16, 1887
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Daniel H. McCarthy (1870-1905)

"When the Dynamite Trust Controls All Explosives-M'Carthy's Idea of the Result."
[periodical & date unknown]

source: Ramus Papers, IISG vol. 438, p.135-138

special thanks to
Folkert Mohrhof and Martyn Everett
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Joseph Ferdinand Keppler (1838-1894)

"Siegfried, the Fearless, in the Political Dismal Swamp."
Puck, December 28, 1887.

Most is depicted as a snake in the lower left corner
Frederick Burr Opper (1857-1937)

"The Proper School for Anarchists."
1889  [source]

Most is seated third from the right
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The Boston Globe, November 17, 1913.
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